Many people believe that the dates of your birth and death aren’t nearly as important as what you do “during your dash,” and we couldn’t agree more at Glory Boats. You don’t have any control over when your life will begin or end, which is why it’s important to make the right decisions while you’re still around. Retirement and estate planning enables you to finish out your years with true peace of mind, and planning your own funeral now ensures you’ll receive a fitting sendoff at the end of your journey. Our boat-shaped caskets are made right here in the USA, and they’re the perfect way to travel from this world to the next one in style!
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Securing your legacy
This world is not our home, and we’re just passing through. We all hope to live long and fruitful lives, and it’s important to ensure that our families are provided for when our time here is done. Warren Buffett encourages us to “write our own obituary and reverse-engineer it” to help us avoid making bad decisions in life, and we all understand the importance of proper estate planning and keeping our wills current. The final piece of the puzzle is making your funeral and burial arrangements now so your bereaved family won’t have to!
A stitch in time
Some of us are more organized than others, but we all understand the importance of planning for the future. We wouldn’t dream of going without health insurance, and most of us began saving for retirement as soon as we started our careers. Our last will and testament is perhaps the most important plan of all because it’s our last chance to make our wishes known after we leave this world, and it should be updated every three to five years. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to make your burial arrangements!
Glory Boat caskets are perfect for truly memorable end-of-life celebrations!
The loss of a parent, spouse, or another loved one is devastating for all of us, and the more recent the loss, the more intense the pain. Funerals and memorial services are often somber occasions full of tears, and the people who are left behind show up to pay their respects and give the dearly departed a fitting send-off. But the service is a celebration of life and the start of a glorious journey for the guest of honor. Our team at Glory Boats is here to help you take your final journey in style!
Updating your last will and testament? Don’t forget to plan your funeral too!
No one likes to imagine the day they’ll leave their spouse and children behind, but we all know it’s inevitable. That’s why it’s so important to live your life to the fullest and treat each day as a gift! We all work hard to ensure that our families are provided for after we’re gone, and it’s never too early to begin estate planning. There’s also no better time than right now to plan your funeral. Far too many people, particularly men, leave this world without making their final wishes known. But it only takes a few minutes to put your plan in writing, and our team at Glory Boats is here to help!
How to plan a memorable funeral in three easy steps
Most people attend at least one funeral by the time they reach adulthood, and that number typically approaches double digits by middle age. Sometimes, the dearly departed is so well-known in his or her community that the pews are filled with mourners, and many families prefer to say goodbye at a small private ceremony. But we never know exactly when our time is coming, and there’s no better time than right now to plan your end-of-life celebration!
We make products for people who want to “buy American” until the day they die!
The United States was founded on the principles of each citizen’s inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and we enjoy more individual liberty than any other nation in the world. We might not always agree with our fellow citizens on all of the issues, but we’re always prepared to stand up for each other when it really counts. And in a world of inferior products mass-produced in factories overseas, there’s simply no substitute for American craftsmanship!
Don’t leave this world without a plan!
We all hope to live long and healthy lives and look forward to spending our golden years spoiling our grandchildren rotten, But sometimes that’s not up to us, and tomorrow is promised to no one! Fortunately, planning your funeral now spares your grieving family from having to make your arrangements at a difficult time, and it ensures that you’ll get the type of funeral you want!
They’ll be discussing your funeral for decades!
Most of us are too busy living our lives to think about the inevitable, but it’s going to happen whether we’re ready or not! We all hope to live long and healthy lives, but that’s not always in our hands, and tomorrow is promised to no one. The good news is that it only takes a few minutes to plan your funeral, and you’ll be able to live out the rest of your years knowing that everything will be taken care of when your time on this world is done.
We can ship our products anywhere in the USA!
Over 50 million Americans go fishing each year, and it’s an activity enjoyed by people of all ages. Most of us remember plenty of great man-to-man conversations with our dads and granddads on fishing trips, and women now make up a third of all anglers in the USA. Some people fish as a casual hobby, and many of us take it much more seriously. Whatever your situation may be, we can all agree that the worst fishing trip is better than the best day at work! Plenty of us mark our lives anticipating our next trip to our favorite fishing hole and dream of fishing expeditions that never end. Our team at Glory Boats is here to make that dream come true!