Funerals are frequently called a celebration of the dearly departed’s life, but they don’t feel like much of a celebration to the bereaved guests. It’s always difficult to lose a loved one, and even more difficult when they leave this world much sooner than expected. But tomorrow is promised to no one, and we owe it to ourselves to have a plan for the day we all know is coming. Planning your own funeral now ensures that you’ll get the type of service you want and spares your grieving family from having to make burial arrangements at a difficult time.
Each individual has unlimited potential but a limited lifespan, and we all strive to live quality lives and accomplish the things we were put on this Earth to do. We also spend our entire lives trying to determine what our purpose in life truly is! Most of us credit a loving marriage and a supportive family for our success in our lives and consider our children our crowning achievement. We all treasure watching our children grow up and hope to live long enough to spoil our grandchildren rotten. But the truth is that we never know when we’ll be called home!
Most outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen are accustomed to roughing it, and many could probably even live completely off the land if they had to. But that’s not the way that most of us choose to live when we spend our time outdoors, and we wouldn’t dream of heading into the woods or out on the lake without the proper gear! If you’re the type of person who always does plenty of research before every purchase, it hardly makes sense to treat your funeral any differently! Glory Boats offers top-quality boat-shaped caskets to help you travel from this world to the next one in style, and we’re ready to show you how fast and easy it is to plan a memorable end-of-life celebration.
Many of us have heard our grandparents say, “One day, this will all be yours,” in reference to their home and worldly belongings. But memories will always be the most important thing that parents and grandparents leave to their loved ones. Most children already have homes of their own when their parents pass on, but they still hang onto plenty of things that have sentimental value. Grandpa’s old fishing boat might not have been anything special, but it was where you learned a lot about fishing and a little about life. Now that you have grandchildren of your own, what will you leave to them when your time in this world ends?
Today’s global economy enables consumers to purchase mass-produced goods at bargain prices everywhere they go. Whether you’re shopping online or in a big box retailer, the shelves are lined with products that were manufactured overseas. Global companies operate international factories to take advantage of lower labor costs, but that will never be a substitute for American craftsmanship! Many consumers prefer purchasing American-made products whenever possible, and our team at Glory Boats is proud to offer locally-built boat-shaped caskets to help you make your journey from this world to the next one!
No two fishing trips are ever quite the same. Some of us are lucky enough to remember the day when we had the right bait and hit the right spot at exactly the right time, and we’ll tell anyone who cares to listen about the day they were practically jumping into the boat. But there are also those times we don’t like to talk about when the fish win, and we head home empty-handed. Though we might be disappointed at those times, it only steels our resolve to get back out there and keep casting!
A funeral or memorial service is a celebration of life and an occasion for loved ones and friends to come together one last time and say goodbye. Some people honor the dearly departed with a few words, and most are content to pay their respects in silence. But most of us are too busy living our lives to think about what happens when they’re over, and many people die unexpectedly without making their wishes known. Have you taken the time to put your wishes in writing?
Many of us grew up in traditional households and were often reminded that the family “always did it this way!” When we get old enough to realize how wise our parents really are, we spend the rest of our lives trying to fill their very large shoes. We honor our parents and grandparents by upholding their traditions and passing them on to our own children. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t start some traditions of our own!
Even though funerals are a celebration of the deceased’s life, they tend to be somber affairs. But they’re an important part of the grieving process for the people who are left behind and a final opportunity for friends and loved ones to say goodbye. If you’re the guest of honor, they’re also your final opportunity to express yourself, and to be remembered the way you want to be remembered!
Your gear choices can make or break a hunting or fishing trip, and most outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen spend a lot of time (and spare no expense) to ensure they’re prepared. Cheap gear gets awfully expensive if you keep replacing it, and seasoned anglers understand the importance of making smart purchases. You’ve spent your whole life researching and making upgrades, which shouldn’t end when you leave this world and journey to the next one! But we never know when we’ll be called home, and far too many people of all ages die unexpectedly without making their wishes known.