At Glory Boats, we take a lot of pride in our products. Our customers are happiest in their fishing boats, and we offer boat-shaped caskets that serve as the centerpiece of memorable end-of-life celebrations. We’re a company created by fishermen for fishermen, and we provide suitable transportation from our world to the next one when it’s time to take that final fishing trip.
Sport fishermen like getting their lines wet and love the thrill of catching fish as much as having them for dinner. But they’re not greedy and don’t believe in overharvesting their favorite fishing spots. The hard work is done once they’ve caught their limit, and the rest of the trip is just for fun. All outdoorsmen and outdoorswomen have a special relationship with the lakes they fish in and the woods they hunt. They understand the importance of preserving those areas for future generations to enjoy.
No one likes to think about the inevitable day when their journey on this world ends, but the only certainty is that it’s coming sometime in the future. We all hope that it comes in the very distant future, but that’s not always up to us. The only thing we can do is live our best lives with the time that we’ve got. It’s also a good idea to make your funeral arrangements in advance so that your loved ones won’t have to.
Glory Boats celebrates the lives of outdoorsmen and women by providing suitable transportation from our world to the next one. We take a lot of pride in our unique boat-shaped caskets and hand-crafted bullet-shaped urns, and we’re always a phone call away when you’re ready to schedule a free no-obligation consultation. We only get one chance to take care of our customers, and it’s very important to us that we do a great job. We’re happy to help you plan a memorable end-of-life celebration, and we can show you how to save 60-70% off the cost of a funeral.
It’s never easy to lose a family member, but it’s important to celebrate their lives and take the time to say goodbye. Some of our aging relatives already have their burial plots picked out and have specific ideas for their end-of-life celebrations, but many leave this world quickly and force their grieving survivors to make all the decisions. This often involves sparing no expense for the casket, the headstone, and the funeral service. But did you know that planning your own funeral can save you up to 60-70%?
Most of us are too busy living to worry about dying, but we need to be prepared for the inevitable. Tomorrow is promised to no one, and perfectly healthy people die unexpectedly for a lot of different reasons. The only thing they all have in common is that they didn’t expect it to happen to them.
Any fisherman will tell you that it takes a lot of work if you want to spend some time relaxing on the water. You have to keep your boat maintained, schedule the time off from work, and make a trip to the local outfitter for some new gear. Nothing worth doing is ever easy, and it makes the trip much more rewarding. Even on those days when the fish aren’t biting, you can still create a lot of great new memories with your fishing buddies or your children.
You’ve spent your entire life as a savvy consumer, and you take pride in your eye for both quality and value. That certainly shouldn’t end when your time on this world does! Planning your funeral is like making any other purchase, and you have the same rights as a consumer. If you want to have any input about how you will be memorialized, you need to start planning now!
Most people are too busy living their lives to think about how they will one day end. But if they don’t take a little time to plan and make the arrangements, they’ll be forcing their families to make all the decisions. Losing a loved one is a traumatic event for families, and they’ll already have a lot of other things on their minds. But planning a funeral isn’t really any different than planning any other event, and you can save 60-70% off the costs of a funeral if you plan ahead.
It’s hard to forget all of those times when you and your grandpa went hunting, and most adult outdoor enthusiasts have plenty of stories to tell. But your favorite was the first time that you were old enough to climb up into the deer stand with grandpa. Maybe you had a rifle in your hand, or maybe you were just there to hold the thermos and keep him company. But it was always a special place, and you still think of him every time that you take your own kids hunting.